Foods That Trigger Gout and How To Prevent Flares

Dietary Diversity By Alice / April, 24, 2023

Gout is a type of arthritis that is caused by a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints leading to inflammation pain and swelling. Certain foods are known to increase levels of uric acid in the blood which can trigger gout attacks.

Here are some types of foods and drinks that can trigger gout:

High-Purine Foods:

Purines are natural substances found in many foods and your body breaks them down into uric acid. Foods that are high in purines can increase uric acid levels and trigger gout. These include organ meats (like liver and kidneys) red meats game meats seafood (especially shellfish and fish like anchovies sardines mackerel and herring).


Beer and liquors like whiskey and rum can increase uric acid levels and trigger gout attacks. Wine in moderate amounts may not have the same risk but excessive consumption can still contribute to gout.

Sugary Drinks and Foods:

Drinks sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup like many sodas can increase uric acid levels. The same goes for foods high in fructose.

Processed Foods:

These often contain high levels of fructose and other additives that can contribute to gout.

Here are some ways to prevent gout flares:

Stay Hydrated:

Drinking plenty of water can help flush uric acid out of your body and reduce the risk of gout attacks.

Maintain a Healthy Weight: Being overweight can increase your risk of gout and losing weight can help lower uric acid levels. However rapid weight loss can temporarily raise uric acid levels and trigger gout so it's important to lose weight gradually and healthily.

Eat a Balanced Diet:

A diet rich in vegetables whole grains lean proteins and low-fat dairy can help lower uric acid levels.

Limit High-Purine Foods:

As mentioned above try to limit your intake of high-purine foods like organ meats and certain types of seafood.

Limit Alcohol:

Try to limit your alcohol intake particularly beer and hard liquors.

Avoid Sugary Drinks and Foods:

Try to avoid or limit drinks and foods that are high in fructose.

Remember everyone is different and what triggers gout in one person might not in another. If you have gout it's a good idea to work with your doctor or a dietitian to create a diet plan that works for you. Regular check-ups and blood tests can also help monitor your uric acid levels and manage your gout.

1 Red meat

Purine levels in some meats are high. Purines are converted by the body into uric acid but an excessive amount might enter the bloodstream and result in gout attacks. White meat contains less purine than red meat however lamb is the red meat that poses the worst health risk. In order to prevent gout flare-ups people should strive to limit their intake of beef and pork to three meals per week at most. Those who eat lamb should pick chops rather than the leg meat.

2 Fish

Fish that are high in purine should be avoided by those who have gout.Herring tuna mackerel sardines and anchovies are examples of seafood to avoid. In moderation salmon is a good low-purine substitute that is generally safe for those with gout. Fish consumption for gout sufferers should be limited to twice weekly.

3 Wild Game

The meat of wild game particularly rabbit venison quail pheasant and geese should be avoided by people who are prone to gout. These animals like beef hog and lamb have high purine contents that raise the possibility of gout attacks. Instead they advise eating white meat which is generally thought to be safe to consume in moderation when combined with a lot of veggies.

4 Scallops

Healthcare professionals advise gout patients to stay away from shellfish like scallops. Shellfish sardines herring anchovies codfish trout and haddock are additional fish high in purines. Because they contain less purine lobster prawns salmon and crab are preferable choices. A person should consume no more than six to eight ounces of seafood daily. People with gout can occasionally eat scallops but if their flare-ups get worse they should choose a less problematic treat.

5 Organ Meats

Organ meats have been the subject of debate in recent years over their advantages for overall health but gout sufferers shouldn't consume these animal parts. To reduce gout episodes it is preferable to avoid eating tongue liver brains kidneys and sweetbreads.

6 Beer

Those who have gout should refrain from consuming alcohol. The body produces more uric acid as a result of the breakdown of alcohol. Additionally alcohol dehydrates the body and delays uric acid excretion. The majority of medical professionals advise gout sufferers to avoid alcohol if possible however a single glass of wine is usually acceptable.

7 Sugary beverages

High-fructose corn syrup is commonly found in sweet drinks which can accelerate uric acid production and raise the risk of gout attacks. Herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices are healthier options than packaged fruit drinks and sodas. When trying to prevent gout episodes it is a good idea to stay away from all foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup.

8 Particular Vegetables

Even while physicians advise gout sufferers to have a diet heavy in greens several fruits and vegetables such as asparagus mushrooms peas spinach and cauliflower are high in purines. Although eating these veggies along with dried fava and garbanzo beans may not be as likely to cause an attack as eating other problematic foods doctors may advise against doing so out of an abundance of caution.

9 Particular Fruits

Some fruits cause a rise in uric acid synthesis similar to drinks that contain fructose. On the list of fruits to stay away from are pears dates prunes lychees plums and prunes. However specialists advise that most people who are prone to gout can consume them in moderation as long as they take care to avoid other purine- and fructose-rich foods on the same day much like with high-purine vegetables. It is advised to stay away from these fruits in the future if they do appear to be an issue.

10 High-Fat Dairy Products

The effects of dairy products on those who are prone to gout attacks are subject to some conflicting research.Most research indicate that increasing your intake of cheese yoghurt and ice cream may lower your chance of developing gout. However consuming too many high-fat dairy products can result in a number of problems and even flare-ups.

11 Losing Weight Can Help Prevent Gout Flares

There are several steps persons with gout or who are at risk for it can do to assist lower their likelihood of flare ups in addition to avoiding problematic foods.Gout risk is boosted by carrying too much body fat. The kidneys are responsible for eliminating uric acid and being overweight or obese reduces their effectiveness. Stomach fat is the main cause of this. Not the fat that lies just beneath the skin but rather the visceral fat that envelops the internal organs. Chemicals released by visceral fat encourage systemic inflammation and contribute to associated metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance. Losing weight lowers gout attack risk and inflammation.

12 Complex Carbohydrates Can Prevent Gout

Depending on their form complex carbs can minimise gout flare-ups. Honey and fruits contain a sugar called fructose. The risk of a gout attack and serum purine levels both rise as a result of its breakdown nearly immediately. Complex carbs like those found in fruits whole grains and vegetables are excellent for treating gout because they digest slowly. Fresh fruits are healthy but because naturally sweet fruit juices have high fructose content patients with gout should limit or avoid them.

13 Hydrate to Reduce Gout Flares

The easiest way to manage gout is by staying hydrated. When there is too much uric acid in the blood hyperuricemia develops. This can be brought on by a variety of causes and conditions including illnesses and drugs. By flushing the organs and lowering blood uric acid levels drinking water is beneficial. More uric acid is expelled when more water is ingested which lowers the chance of urate crystals forming in the joints.

14 Healthy Fats Can Reduce Gout Symptoms

Certain good fats reduce the frequency of flare-ups. Humans must consume omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids because their bodies cannot produce them on their own. Sometimes gout drugs control the condition but do not reduce recurrent gout attacks. Omega-3 fatty acids are well-known anti-inflammatories that are beneficial in treating other forms of arthritis as well. Not all sources though are as reliable. Compared to fish oil supplements eating two or more meals of cold-water fish like mackerel or salmon can reduce the frequency of gout attacks by at least 33%.

15 Healthy Fats Can Reduce Gout Symptoms

Certain good fats reduce the frequency of flare-ups. Humans must consume omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids because their bodies cannot produce them on their own. Sometimes gout drugs control the condition but do not reduce recurrent gout attacks. Omega-3 fatty acids are well-known anti-inflammatories that are beneficial in treating other forms of arthritis as well. Not all sources though are as reliable. Compared to fish oil supplements eating two or more meals of cold-water fish like mackerel or salmon can reduce the frequency of gout attacks by at least 33%.