
8 Try expectorants

Every person has mucus in their bodies, which is usually a good function of the respiratory system intended to capture and eliminate dangerous particles. However, when people are ill, this mucus can thicken into a thicker phlegm material, which can be challenging to manage. People should attempt expectorants, which are drugs made to loosen and thin phlegm to the point where they should be able to cough it up and get it out of their system, in order to lessen or get rid of it completely. These drugs function by thinning out the mucus by adding water to it.


However, people should be aware that expectorants are not intended to cure the underlying illness or infection that is causing the increased phlegm, so they will still require further medical attention. However, taking expectorants should be able to assist people in getting a better night's sleep and better managing their illness's symptoms throughout the day. This over-the-counter drug typically has a twelve-hour half-life per dose. The drug is also available in dosage forms intended just for kids. Always make sure to adhere to the dosage recommendations on the packaging.